Art collection of Cardinal Scipione Borghese from the 17th century, collecting ancient and more recent paintings and sculptures. Works by Raphael, Titian, Caravaggio, Bernini Antonio Canova and many more are on exhibition. In 1902 the Italian State acquired the Villa Borghese,including the palace with its collections. Today it is a museum, which is been called “the queen of private collections all over the world”, because of its gallery on the first fThe present Baroque Rome arose in a contest between the two greatest artists of that time: Gian Lorenzo Bernini and Francesco Borromini. These two have created the new image of Rome, an image which still characterizes the historical center. They worked together on baldachin in St. Peter’s, but the distinctive characters and the different conception of art led to a fracture that later turned into rivalry.
Gian Lorenzo Bernini: rich, famous, early introduced into the cultural life of Romans and the young Borromini:beginner and from humble beginnings.
In 1630 the two met at the site of the canopy of St. Peter and Borromini played a crucial role. However, the canopy only bears Bernini’s signature and he also got the most pay out of it. Borromini disapointedly said: “I’m not sorry because of the money he got, but I’m sorry that he enjoys the honor and the cheering for my work.”
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